Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Successful Salary Negotiation

Do you want to be paid what you‘re worth? Do you want to know the steps you need to take to make sure that your next salary negotiation results in a better offer? In this short report,
I‘ve the basic important steps you need to take to prepare for a successful salary negotiation. If you follow these steps, you‘ll be better able to ask for, and get, the compensation you deserve.

Before the negotiation
Remember the 5 P‘s: “Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance”. If you properly prepare for your negotiation you‘ll improve the chances for a successful outcome and for getting what you want.

Monday, May 7, 2012


In this book there are 25 sets of questions. chronologically i will published them all. Keep following and test your IQ
 SET One: Questions
Dear Reader try it, i will published the solution tomorrow.

Masters of Body Language By Dr. Gabriel and Nili Raam

When Negotiating, Look For
Nonverbal Cues
Your mother probably taught you that it's rude to stare. But when you negotiate a business deal, close observation of your opponent makes sense.
By inspecting your opponent's every physical move, you can often determine
whether he or she is holding something back or not telling the truth.
The key is not to stare so much that you make your opponent uncomfortable, but to
be aware of his or her movements through casual glances and friendly eye contact.
It will almost certainly give you an edge.
What should you look for? Experts who study body language suggest a two-step
process. First, identify a subject's mannerisms during the initial, friendly stages of a
discussion. As the negotiation unfolds, see whether your opponent suddenly adopts
different behavior. "You have to watch people a long time to establish what their
baseline mode is," said David Hayano, author of "Poker Faces." "Once you know
how they normally behave, you may be able to tell when they start to put on an act."
Hayano is a retired professor of anthropology at California State University at
Northridge, who has analyzed the body language of poker players, and he's found
that the rapport-building stage is a valuable time to study your opponent. Why?
Because that's when you get to know someone's "natural" behavior. "If you are
dealing with a very talkative executive who all of a sudden gets meek during the
heat of the negotiation, then something strange is going on," he said. It may be a
clue that your opponent is hiding something; other clues are exaggerated
movements or excessive enthusiasm. 

Graduate Management Admission Test

The Graduate Management Admission Test® (GMAT®) is a standardized, three-part test delivered in English. The test was designed to help admissions officers evaluate how suitable individual applicants are for their graduate business and management programs. It measures basic verbal, mathematical, and analytical writing skills that a test taker has developed over a long period of time through education and work. The GMAT test does not a measure a person’s knowledge of specific fields of study. Graduate business and management programs enroll people from many different undergraduate and work backgrounds, so rather than test your mastery of any particular subject area, the GMAT test will assess your acquired skills. Your GMAT score will give admissions officers a statistically reliable measure of how well you are likely to perform academically in the core curriculum of a graduate business program. Of course, there are many other qualifications that can help people succeed in business school and in their careers—for instance, job experience, leadership ability, motivation, and interpersonal skills. The GMAT test does not gauge these qualities. That is why your GMAT score is intended to be used as one standard admissions criterion among other, more subjective, criteria, such as admissions essays and interviews.

Click Here to Read More

Friday, May 4, 2012


Photography is one of the creative Hobbys. In this digital world any one can be a photographer. But to become a good photographer you have to know some technique. That makes you different and extant your thinking.  Many people go for take a course on Photography. But for some people it is costly. So who are very eager

Human resource Management

The most crucial things for a company are maintaining its Human resource.  There are lots of philosopher and writer, who gave their opinion about human resource. Before sourcing the manpower a Manager has to find out how many people is need, what is the level of their education etc, etc. Among the writer Gary Dessler

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